sql view 的用法
在 SQL 中,视图是基于 SQL 语句的结果集的可视化的表。
视图是一种不存在的虚拟表: 类似表但是不是表。
- 类似表: 视图有表结构;
- 不是表: 没有数据, 视图的数据来源都是基表;
我们可以向视图添加 SQL 函数、WHERE 以及 JOIN 语句,我们也可以提交数据,就像这些来自于某个单一的表。
视图总是显示最近的数据。每当用户查询视图时,数据库引擎通过使用 SQL 语句来重建数据。
可以从某个查询内部、某个存储过程内部,或者从另一个视图内部来使用视图。通过向视图添加函数、join 等等,我们可以向用户精确地提交我们希望提交的数据。
Common Table Expressions (CTE)
一次性的 view,它是在单个语句的执行范围内定义的临时结果集,只在查询期间有效。它可以自引用,也可在同一查询中多次引用,实现了代码段的重复利用。
1 | WITH cte_name AS( |
1 | SELECT '5'; /*This is just a string*/ |
NOW()获得现在的时间,可以转换SELECT NOW()::time;
1 | CONCAT() 连接 txt, |
VIEW 和 CTE 的一个用途
因为 where 不能直接用 as 语句的别名,所以可以先创造 view 或者 cte 来节省重复输入
Why we can’t just say WHERE alias = …
When we write a query such as
1 | SELECT commonname, maximumlongevity as lifespan FROM anage; |
Our query cannot directly refer to lifespan, because lifespan doesn’t exist until the resultset has been generated, so this is invalid:
1 | SELECT commonname, maximumlongevity as lifespan FROM anage WHERE lifespan > 100; |
To do this, we would need to do:
1 | SELECT commonname, maximumlongevity as lifespan FROM anage WHERE maximumlongevity > 100; |
This is particularly annoying if you have a complex expression to project — this won’t work:
1 | SELECT commonname, maximumlongevity / 2 as midlife FROM anage WHERE midlife > 100; |
So you would have to repeat the expression:
1 | SELECT commonname, maximumlongevity / 2 as midlife FROM anage WHERE maximumlongevity / 2 > 100; |
One solution to this is to use a VIEW, CTE or subquery so you only need to express the calculation once:
1 | WITH anageMidlife AS ( |
A reminder that SQL is a declarative language, and the DBMS might make various ‘query plans’ to actually implement the query. Just because your query has the same calculation in it twice, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your query will be slower.